Imperial Academy, established in August of 2008, is a privately supported, non-accredited, co-educational institution offering primary and secondary education. Imperial Academy is sponsored by the Philadelphia Church of God, headquartered in Edmond, Oklahoma. Like its sister institution, Herbert W. Armstrong College, Imperial Academy bases its education on the revealed knowledge contained in God’s inspired Word.
The Word of God is the foundation of all knowledge. Often, by college age, students have already been programmed by their educators to dismiss the existence of a Creator in every field of study. Imperial Academy teaches young people how to base their learning and thinking on the Holy Bible. This foundational, revealed knowledge opens up deeper understanding in science, art, music, health and other subjects. It prepares them for sound higher learning in young adulthood.
Imperial’s educational aims can be summed up in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This way of life extends beyond the classroom. Imperial Academy provides unique opportunities for development in social, cognitive, physical and spiritual areas. From the playground to the sports field to the stage, Imperial Academy steers the development of well-rounded young people. The administrators and faculty members of Imperial Academy are committed to their solemn responsibility before God to assist parents in building the life and character of each of their students and strengthening the foundation for each student’s future.